InfoAktiv AppStore

Ready-Made Editable Content to Use on InfoAktiv Displays

The InfoAktiv AppStore is a new hub for InfoAktiv customers to share material that they have produced. Browse here and order content and applications that will help you to build interactive displays quickly and easily. You can also make your own content available to the wider community through the site; either free or for a fee.

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What’s Available

Complete Packages
P0001. Great War 100 Infographics

P0001. Great War 100 Infographics

A series of images displaying brief, factual information alongside stunning graphical design. Drawn from Scott Addington’s book these screens have been written specifically for people with little or no prior knowledge of the First World War and will be an ideal introduction to what can be a very complicated and daunting subject. They are perfect for the average museum visitor who requires brief, factual and engaging information.

World War 1 Display Framework
F0001. WWI World War 1 Interactive Display Framework

F0001. World War 1 Interactive Display Framework

This framework provides a structure of more than fifty different categories which are ready to be populated with information. Pictorial buttons or ‘icons’ are provided to access each category through the InfoAktiv touch screen display. The framework is provided empty and can be populated with content you create in-house or find from sources such as the InfoAktiv AppStore. You have complete flexibility to add, remove or rearrange the categories and to put information within them. All of the graphics such as the icons, background and fonts can be modified or replaced to create a display that is unique to your organisation.

C0001. 1914-1918 Timeline

C0001. 1914-1918 Timeline

This Timeline begins with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and the declarations of war that subsequently followed, and ends with the Treaty of Versailles. The major battles and events that occurred within this timeframe are listed in a timeline template, which can easily be customized to include other events, as well as hyperlinks to more information on events already listed.

World War 1 Subject Displays
S0001. Remembrance

S0001. Remembrance

More than 25 screens of information about remembrance. It covers national, regional and individual monuments including The Cenotaph, The National Memorial Arboretum, the Tomb of The Unknown Warrior and The Memorial Plaque or ‘Death Penny’. Institutions are covered; The Commonwealth War Graves Commission and The Royal British Legion, as is Remembrance Day itself.

S0002. WW1 British Army Medals and Awards

S0002. WW1 British Army Medals and Awards

Created by a consortium of museums and medals experts, this package provides the gold standard of medal displays in a format that any museum can modify very easily to meet their own requirements. It has never been easier to create an eye-catching, informative and interactive display to bring medal collections to life.

S0003.  Causes

S0003. Causes

World War 1 was seen by many as the almost inevitable consequence of a complex series of international rivalries and alliances, compounded by an explosive mix of beliefs and technologies. This package aims to explain the causes of World War 1 as simply and clearly as possible.

S0004.  key people

S0004. Key People

Central to understanding World War 1, this package profiles the people and their politics that lead nations and entire empires into the bloodiest conflict of all time. Includes profiles of the Key Leaders from Austria-Hungary, France, The United Kingdom, The United States of America, Germany, Russia and The Ottoman Empire.

S0005.  aircraft

S0005. Aircraft

Over 20 screens of information covering aircraft during World War 1. Includes an Introduction, Technology of Aviation and Major Events. Technology includes descriptions of Zeppelins, the Fighter Ace, Aerial Reconnaissance, Machine Gun Synchronization, Bombing, and Anti-Aircraft Weaponry. Major events includes how Aviation was used pre-war, during the Fokker Scourge, Bloody April, at Verdun and the Somme and during the Spring Offensive.

S0006.  the aftermath

S0006. The Aftermath

More than eighty screens of information covering treaties, revolutions, major events and descriptions of what happened to individual countries directly after World War 1. This package provides a good understanding of the far-reaching consequences of the war.

S0007.  transport

S0007. Transport

7 Categories of Transport are divided into motorized and non-motorized sections. The package contains 1 or 2 screens on each of 7 categories: Horses, Bicycles, Buses, Locomotives, Ships, Trucks, Motorcycles. This also includes a brief overview of transport during world war 1 in general.

S0008. British Artillery

S0008. British Artillery

A short package providing an overview of the British Artillery used in World War One. Use it ‘as-is’ or as the basis to build your own interactive display. Playing one of the major roles in creating the stalemate on the Western Front, artillery is key in our understanding of WWI.

S0009. small arms

S0009. Small Arms

This provides a revealing insight to the weapons that were carried and used daily by the millions of troops who fought the First World War. Covers German, United States and British weaponry. Weaponry includes machine guns, anti-tank guns, pistols and revolvers, sub-machine guns and rifles.

S0010. Tanks and Armoured Vehicles

S0010. Tanks and Armoured Vehicles

Tanks are one of the highest-profile innovations of World War 1. Invented to break the stalemate of trench warfare, in the course of a few years of warfare they evolved rapidly to become recognisable as the forbearers of today’s formidable fighting machines. Package contains more than 30 screens of information about the tanks and armoured vehicles developed and used during World War 1. There are sections for American, British, French and German vehicles.

British Army Campaign Medals

S0011. The Gallipoli Campaign

This package describes one of the Key Battles and Campaigns of World War 1, Gallipoli. This Campaign emphasizes the huge loss of life and military resources experienced by all powers during The Great War. It includes Maps of the Campaign, Detailed chronological descriptions of the campaign itself, descriptions of the opposing forces and information on artifacts and the leaders involved.

S0012. Mesopotamia

S0012. Mesopotamia

Mesopotamia’s geographic position was important to Britain in 1914 as the Persian Gulf had to be protected as a gateway to India. Germany’s pre-war economic drive in the region was seen as a threat to British interests. The campaign in Mesopotamia was vital in supporting the British War effort and consequently important for a First World War display.

S0015. Palestine

S0015. Palestine

The consequences of the First World War in Palestine are still being felt 100 years later. This package provides an essential understanding of the events that shaped today’s Middle East and explains why the region was so important to Britain’s interests.

S0016. The Western Front

S0016. The Western Front

The Western Front is what most people think of when the First World War is mentioned. This Package provides a chronological view of the progress of the war and the most significant events in its main theatre.

S0017. Treaties

S0017. Treaties

The severe loss of life and terrible conditions of the trenches came to an end at 11am on the 11th of November 1918. However, peace was not made official until the signing of the treaties beginning in 1919. The Treaties package describes the terms and conditions of peace and provides an insight to how the environment was created that sowed the seeds of the Second World War.

Other Content
British Army Campaign Medals

S0014. British Army Campaign Medals

Created by a consortium of museums for its members, this package is available at a remarkably low cost to any museum that wants to ‘join the club’. It provides the gold standard of medal displays in a format that any museum can modify very easily to meet their own requirements. It has never been easier to create an eye-catching, informative and interactive display to bring medal collections to life.

British Military Awards for Gallantry

S0013. British Military Awards for Gallantry

British Military Awards for Gallantry is an off-the-shelf multimedia package designed especially for museums. It can be used as-is or tailored to add whatever citations, extra medals and information an individual museum wants. The graphics and branding can be changed too so that any museum can tailor it to ‘make it their own’.

Tools to Create Contents

T0001 Object2VR

Object2VR produces interactive 360° object movies. Object VR (virtual reality) movies are the result of a series of images taken of a subject from different angles. To create an object movie, simply import an image series (a single row or multiple rows) and then export the movie as Flash file to display on an InfoAktiv system.

Price 69 Euro + VAT

Submitting Content to the AppStore

What to do if you want to distribute content via the AppStore

If you want to make your content available to the InfoAktiv user community, email or call InfoAktiv on 01730-320322 and we will help you to do just that. InfoAktiv will actively promote your content to potential customers providing that it meets the necessary standards. If you want to charge users for your material we will handle the administration of that, charging a 20% commission.

Please make sure that you have read and understand the AppStore Rules.