Kiosk Hire and Set-up Service for Events

The fastest and most cost-effective way to replace brochures with a powerful multimedia pod.

  • Save Money and Reduce Wastage - don't print, transport, store and throw away hand-outs.
  • Communicate More Effectively - formats such as video convey messages much faster and better than paper
  • Save Time and be More Responsive - InfoAktiv automatically emails customers with the information they ask for.
  • Generate Quality Leads - instead of just contacts.

The New InfoAktiv Kiosk Hire Service for Events:-

InfoAktiv uses your existing materials (standard PDFs, PowerPoints, videos, web sites, Flash files, product demos etc.) to build a powerful touch screen system that is optimized for your events.

  • Remove any restrictions on the quantity of material you can take to an event - have everything a prospect might want !
  • Your customers and prospects can take what they want by email, USB stick or print-on-demand.
  • Bring ordinary brochures to life and use more effective media such as video and interactive presentations.
  • Eliminate the overhead of following up information requests.
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY - systematically record exactly who was interested in what, this ensures you:
    • Have qualified leads instead of just contacts - saving time and money in post-event qualification.
    • Avoid missing opportunities - you know exactly who took what so you can take control of the sales process earlier.